“I went to the streets in 2015 when my parents started fighting at home. Since then, I haven’t gone back home. Mwangaza promised to reunite me with my family”
Started in street life, turned to Call Africa for help, then rehab at Mwangaza. Now studying electrical installation, determined for a better future.
“Mwangaza has taught me a lot of good things. I now know the importance of education. I want to study carpentry once I leave Mwangaza”
“Mwangaza taught me to live peacefully with other people. Now I am able to work in a workshop with my colleagues. Am also able to pay for my rent”
Before Mwangaza, my son was disobedient, often on the streets. Now, he's in school, responsible, and helps at home. Tremendous improvement noticed.
Street families are a global and multifaceted phenomenon. In Kenya, street families can be traced back to the post-independence period