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Erick*, 17 years old, resident client

“I went to the streets in 2015 when my parents started fighting at home. Since then, I haven’t gone back home. Mwangaza promised to reunite me with my family”

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Kim* 18, learning vocational skills.

Started in street life, turned to Call Africa for help, then rehab at Mwangaza. Now studying electrical installation, determined for a better future.

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Edu*, 17-year-old,resident client

“Mwangaza has taught me a lot of good things. I now know the importance of education. I want to study carpentry once I leave Mwangaza”

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Bill*, 20-year-old Alumni

“Mwangaza taught me to live peacefully with other people. Now I am able to work in a workshop with my colleagues. Am also able to pay for my rent”

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Mary*, Caregiver

Before Mwangaza, my son was disobedient, often on the streets. Now, he's in school, responsible, and helps at home. Tremendous improvement noticed.

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Unraveling Street Family History

Street families are a global and multifaceted phenomenon. In Kenya, street families can be traced back to the post-independence period

New Life Mwangaza Rehabilitation Centre © 2024 All Rights Reserved